My past year has been a doozy. It began simple enough that my 9 years in my job and dedication earned me national recognition, mine and a friends film project was wrapping up interviews, my dad was fighting back from cancer, my health was improving and my almost adult son ( adopted at age 16) was finding his way. I thought my path was OK.
The universe however has a way of bitch slapping you to your correct path where you have to admit you are tired and broken and the weird and eccentric you is fighting to get out. It will my dear readers win every time. We all know this. We all feel it at times, its how do we listen to it , give up control, really put stock in faith and walk through pain and realization to come out healthier in the end.
So flash back to summer 2015 and Chicago, winning an award from peers in anti hunger and poverty work. Humbled and floored that these innovators and passionate folk, p[icked me a leader of the year.
No clue how floored I would soon be. After the award doing photographers, the photographer asked me to step back, into no more stage. The result a break in the leg, a torn ACL and sprained shoulder and from flying home on a new break, a blood clot. Summer in the hottest month not great but I kept telling myself, I can weather this.
Then came the call so many of us as we age dread. Cast and all I needed to get to Florida because dad's cancer was back and he was unconscious and in the hospital. This 4 days prior our call was upbeat and positive. Traveling to watch your father pass and living in a hospital room for 6 days is emotional tough. Doing it on a new break without help awful. Running up bills I couldn't afford because walking up and down my parents flight of stairs incredibly daunting pain in a cast.
Watching my former boxer tough as nails dad, down to 90 pounds and dying , well forget heartbreaking. It was put my heart in a blender: hit puree and go time. I did get to be there with him as he had his last breath and held him before family came up . Then it was time for me to put my feelings away. My brother fell apart and I chased him on crutches all over a hospital making sure security did not arrest him as he wept and hit walls and babbled uncontrollably. I pulled it together for mom and for my son. The abuse I gave my soul by not hearing the pain was unmanageable ,the abuse from over using my leg in cast did long term damage.I could not fly home and my drive across country seeing roadside America on pain meds will be another post , another time. But in this drive my partner and I of 8 years made a final agreement and started another path in our life.I had known since I met my partner that she ( was) transgender. Not living as his true self male was slowly killing him and us and it was time to really look at what living for her ( now him ) and us meant. Many other blog posts on this to come.
Grief does many things to people some we understand, some we do not. My son had never met his grandfather face to face and our plan was because dad was doing some well after his upcoming surgery, kiddo was going to go to Florida for a week and hang with his grandparents. My father adored my son from the first photo and my dad never a chatty Cathy on the phone would just take long conversations with his grandson. My father had more of a presence in the 2 years he was in my sons life than most of his bio family. Now all of a sudden grandpa ed was gone and he was grieving not just him but I think this is where his door opened to grieving his childhood and trying to find where he came from so he could move on in his life. Add to that part of him while supporting mom's transition to dad, there was a unconscious jealousy that he was no longer the only important man in my life. ( dear readers so many post on these topics coming , you will really want to check back)
At this point resilient became the key word but I forgot the rabbit hole you can go down when you just solider through. When you are so proud to be a survivor, where you let your trauma define you and not your soul, you stop living and just survive. We as humans have a god like quality that makes us need to thrive and when we forget that, we forget ourselves. After Thanksgiving, my son and I got into an argument over a misunderstanding ( both of us too raw in our emotions) He said things to me I never though he would and he left. For almost 3 weeks no word. At this time I was a walking wound , I got up went to work , ate crap, and did not sleep. My fear and anxiety over this outweighed that I should have been mad at the little shit for pulling this. My partner and I fought for 6 months to bring our son home and that he was gone wrecked my heart and mind. My mother who has moved to California after dad died with my brother and now closer to her grandchildren and great grandchildren assured me it would be OK . And then the final straw hit me.
On December 21 2015, almost 90 days after my dad left this world , my mother passed away without warning in her sleep. My son who had become a grandma devotee came home and we grieved together. My brother fell apart and in a stand I did not even conceive would not take or answer my calls as I tried to get to California. You cannot make plans via text , you cannot get information about whether you need to borrow from your retirement to pay for you moms funeral via text , you cannot check if anyone is ok via text. I was being treated for me as a problem. Then it hit me , this was my mother I had the right to worry and demand basic respect and communication from my family on this. I could not offer to pull money from my retirement if when I kept asking about how we were paying this funeral that all received was again a text that life insurance which I did not think she had would cover it. So it hit me over the years all my family had stayed with me , some pissed at me when they ran away to have an affair and left their spouse at my place. But the theme was I cared about them I wanted them to be ok but when I put my needs first , they had no use for me and I was the bitch, they never had accountability in the event . So I was done. Figured if they wanted me to help they could call and the only thing that then mattered was seeing my mom one last time . I wish in hindsight I just walked away but I texted them all and said goodbye. I really think that hurt me because nowhere ( and I hope I am wrong) do I feel like that mattered for them.
That road trip on Christmas ( yet another to come post on forgiveness with your child when you both are so emotionally raw) started a grieving and healing that is my current path. I am by death and bullshit without any parents, or siblings, while it is painful , there is a side that is freeing.
I no longer believe that others matter more than me. My life, my feelings, my body , my boundaries matter. The weight I carry is going away as emotional weights are being lifted . I have gone from crap to paleo/primal eating. My body knows what it needs, I have just been ignoring it because I ignored my own worth . That has caused me to damage my body the way my self esteem was. I know I can be the caring loving person I am and still put me first. I am learning that people and things not ok with this new mindset are not people who really want to love me and were in a sense using what I could provide to them without having to have any repercussions.
This world right now is cynical and at times bitter. Call me a hippy or a liberal or a dreamer but I don't want this to be my world. I am the only one who can be responsible for changing my lens and I have to be ok enough in me to not give a flying fuck what people think. Grabbing life by the babuska is my model to get there. Growing up I was surrounded by older Polish and Ukraine women, sturdy hearty woman, laughing at bingo, drinking coffee at the Hungry Peddler( shout out to former NJ life) eating fat and knowing themselves. These woman would wear housedresses with sweats under them when cold and not give hoot. They never lived by the cult of weight watchers or jenny. They never fat shamed. They walked and gardened for exercise, cooked and ate with love, slept and had community. Their blue windbreaker may have been a Woolworths special but their babuskas were beautiful, rich, colorful. They knew where to put value. I see that now in Oregon where I live by a large Russian Orthodox community. At the public pool in a swinsuit circa WWII , in all the arm flaps and soft padded spots is a tough as nails duo of 70 plus year old women kicking my ass at water aerobics, keeping their head above water to protect the beatufil head covering. I love these ladies and I want the secrets that the last great generation had about their hearts, their bodies, their quality of life. Quality of life that we have lost to be hip, modern ,"better".
So here it is I am a losing weight, lesbain in love with a transgendered man adopted teen son paleo/primal soul. the details of my journey are mine and all of these things press on the pain points for growth but the growth is beautiful as we come to it. But my journey I bet looks like yours dear reader. Each of us has a story, each of of us are searching to bring ourselves love and laughter and helath. Sometimes putting ourselves first seems the hardest thing to do and sometimes we do not want to acknowledge change is needed or walk through pain. But we can together. I hope you continue to join me on chatting about growing yourself, growing your health and growing your humor. I hope that the posts, recipes and links here help you find your own wisdom. Take a deep breathe and grab the babuska with me!